Apex Legends – Veiled Collection Event Begins April 25th, Adds New Limited-Time Mode

Apex Legends Veiled Collection Event 1024x576 1 Apex Legends – Veiled Collection Event Begins April 25th, Adds New Limited-Time Mode

Available for two weeks, the Collection Event adds 24 new cosmetics, TDM Unshielded Deadeye, and a new Prestige skin for Caustic.

Respawn Entertainment has announced a new Collection Event for free-to-play battle royale Apex Legends. The Veiled Collection Event has a masquerade theme and offers new cosmetics for various Legends. There’s also a new limited-time mode, TDM Unshielded Deadeye, to compete in. Check out the latest trailer below.

TDM Unshielded Deadeye limits players to specific loadouts randomly doled out each match. You can get a Wingman and 30-30 Repeater, a Hemlok and G7 Scout, or a Kraber and Sentinel. There are no shields, helmets or care packages, and the first team to hit 50 kills wins.

As for the new event cosmetics, there are 24 in total, including Legendary skins for Wattson, Rampart, Gibraltar and more. You can acquire them through Veiled Collection Event Apex Packs, Crafting Materials or by spending Apex Coins. Collect them all, and Caustic’s Prestige skin, Apex Contagion, is unlocked.

The Veiled Collection Event runs from April 25th to May 9th.