Emio – The Smiling Man: Famicom Detective Club Demo Announced for August 19th

Emio The Smiling Man Famicom Detective Club 02 1024x576 1 Emio – The Smiling Man: Famicom Detective Club Demo Announced for August 19th

The free demo will include the Prologue and Chapter 1, with Chapter 2 following on August 22nd and Chapter 3 on August 27th.

The culmination of the Famicom Detective Club series draws near, with Utsugi Detective Agency tackling the myth of Emio, the Smiling Man. However, for those who can’t wait, Nintendo has announced a free demo for release on August 19th at 6 PM PT.

The demo will include the Prologue and first chapter of the game, but that won’t be all, as the developer adds two more chapters in subsequent updates. Chapter 2, “Disappearance,” goes live on August 22nd, while Chapter 3, “The Language of Flowers,” will be available on August 27th. Best of all, any progress made in the demo will transfer over when the game launches.

Emio – The Smiling Man: Famicom Detective Club is available on August 29th for Nintendo Switch, retailing for $49.99. It tells the story of Emio, who wears a paper bag with an ominous smile and murders crying girls.