Capcom is “Considering” How to Make Mega Man Games “on an Ongoing Basis”

The last new Mega Man game was Mega Man 11, which released nearly six years ago, in October of 2018.

Capcom has guided franchises such as Resident Evil and Monster Hunter spectacularly over the years, but other properties under the company’s belt haven’t had quite the same luck. Mega Man, for instance, has been one of Capcom’s most popular and beloved IP for as long as it has been around, but recent years have seen it increasingly losing relevance, with the vast majority of its releases having been re-released collections of various previous titles, with the exception of 2018’s Mega Man 11.

So exactly how long should fans expect to wait before the series returns to a regular cadence of new titles? Capcom was asked the question in its most recent shareholders meeting, and though a concrete answer still remains elusive, the company says it is currently “considering” ways to release new Mega Man titles on “an ongoing basis”.

“Mega Man is one of our highly-valued IPs and we are considering how to create games for it on an ongoing basis,” Capcom said (via VGC).

The last new Mega Man game was, of course, the aforementioned Mega Man 11, which released in October 2018. Other than that, recent years have seen Capcom releasing a number of Mega Man collections, so the franchise hasn’t been entirely dormant. Whether we can expect to see a new mainline instalment anytime soon remains to be seen, but fans will be hoping that the commercial success of all the re-releases will lead to that.