RKGK / Rakugaki Launches May 22nd, First Gameplay Revealed

RKGK Rakugaki 1024x655 1 RKGK / Rakugaki Launches May 22nd, First Gameplay Revealed

Explore Cap City as Vallah, platforming through stylish 3D levels and tagging them with graffiti to oppose B Corp and other threats.

Wabisabi Games’ RKGK / Rakugaki will launch on May 22nd for PC courtesy of Gearbox Publishing. Retailing for $19.99, it’s a stylish 3D platformer where players control Vallah, who ventures through Cap City to bring back its color. Check out the first gameplay below.

Vallah can glide through environments with the help of a drone, grind on railings and dash through the air. Chain together different traversal techniques and activate Defacer for even more style, eventually culminating in tagging a central objective. The graffiti style is reminiscent of Jet Set Radio mixed with cyberpunk, but with cel-shading and movement that calls Hi-Fi Rush to mind.

Of course, you can also discover secrets and hidden paths, with options for customizing Vallah’s look and paint included. Throughout the game, Vallah will have to face B Corp’s powerful robots throughout levels and Mr. Buff, capable of mind-controlling citizens.