Risk of Rain 2 is Getting a Dead Cells-Inspired Costume, New Map in Devotion Update

risk of rain 2 dead cells 1024x576 1 Risk of Rain 2 is Getting a Dead Cells-Inspired Costume, New Map in Devotion Update

Risk of Rain 2’s next free update will bring a host of new content with it, including a new alt skin for the Mercenary.

Gearbox Publishing and Hopoo Games have announced a collaboration between roguelite third-person action game Risk of Rain 2 and sidescroller Dead Cells. As part of the collaboration, Risk of Rain 2 will be getting the latter’s The Prisoner as a free alt skin for the Mercenary.

Alongside the collaboration, Risk of Rain 2‘s next major update, titled the Devotion Update, has also been detailed. Check out the trailer below.

The Devotion update will be bringing with it a new map to Risk of Rain 2, dubbed Verdant Falls. The update will be free for all Risk of Rain 2 players, and the new map will also be affected by the upcoming Seekers of the Storm expansion.

Risk of Rain 2‘s second expansion, Seekers of the Storm, was originally unveiled back in November 2023. The DLC will bring with it new stages, enemies, items, and Survivors. This time around, the expansion will focus on a new antagonist named The False Son.

Risk of Rain 2 is available on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.