Batman: Arkham Trilogy – The Batman Suit is a 2-Week Exclusive on Nintendo Switch

Batman Arkham Trilogy 02 1024x575 2 Batman: Arkham Trilogy – The Batman Suit is a 2-Week Exclusive on Nintendo Switch

Based on the 2022 film, the suit will be available to Batman: Arkham Knight owners on December 15th for Xbox One, PS4 and PC.

Remember Robert Pattinson’s suit from The Batman, which mysteriously ended up in Batman: Arkham Knight on the Epic Games Store? It was removed without explanation but is confirmed to be in the Batman: Arkham Trilogy, which launches this week. Thankfully, it seems the suit isn’t exclusive to the Nintendo Switch, at least not permanently.

In a press release, Warner Bros. Games confirmed that The Batman suit would be available in Batman: Arkham Trilogy for two weeks. On December 15th, it would arrive in Batman: Arkham Knight on PS4, Xbox One and PC, presumably as a free addition. Based on the recent gameplay trailer, it’s pretty accurate to the film, if not as visually distinct as the other suits.

Batman: Arkham Trilogy is available on December 1st for Nintendo Switch. It includes Batman: Arkham Asylum, Batman: Arkham City and Batman: Arkham Knight (but not Arkham: Origins, sadly), with all their Challenge Packs, costumes and story DLC.