Risk of Rain Returns – Horizontal Aim Options Coming in Future Patch

Risk of Rain Returns 02 1024x576 1 Risk of Rain Returns – Horizontal Aim Options Coming in Future Patch

Though it’s not “full 360”, mouse, controller and keyboard users will have more options for aiming in Hopoo Games’ remaster.

While Hopoo Games’ Risk of Rain Returns is a faithful remaster of the original, it offers new content and options for those who enjoyed Risk of Rain 2. Unfortunately, there’s no horizontal aiming, so it’s difficult to precisely hit shots.

The developer has heard feedback and confirmed independent horizontal aim options for a future patch. It’s not “full 360” aiming, so you won’t have free reign. For those using a mouse, it will see the cursor position as the horizontal aim direction, while those on controllers and keyboards can set the direction independent of movement.

Both features are optional, so you can opt-out and keep playing the current game if you’d like. The goal is to provide “a much smoother experience to players who prefer mouse input, without giving that option an advantage over keyboard/controller players.” Since it’s a new feature and other patches are being developed side-by-side, there’s no estimate on its release, so stay tuned for updates.

Risk of Rain Returns is available on Nintendo Switch and PC.